Macy's Progress Report

My sweet little Macy is 15 months old now!  She is so amazing and is doing sooo much that I just had to post about it so that I will remember it.  So here we go...

Stuff Macy is Doing:

Running.  The walking started several months ago.  Now she runs, and has this little gallop that she does, too.  
Jumping.  On the bed, on a trampoline...anywhere she can get some spring.
Climbing.  Enough said!
Eating.  All solid food.  Even though she only has two teeth in her head, she can eat anything you put in front of her.  Chicken, veggies, fruit, name it!  AND she uses a fork and spoon like that's the way it's always been.
Hugs & Kisses.  Although she doesn't hand them out to just anybody, she is very huggy and kissy when she wants to be!
Counting.  She can count to 4!
Dancing...and trying to sing :)
Talking...a LOT.  Which brings me to...

Stuff Macy is Saying:  I know I will leave something out.  She has a vocabulary like I've never seen on a 15 month old!  Here are a few things that come to mind.

Foods:  Hot dog, cookie, cheese, water, milk, juice, pancake, berry, waffle, poptart, pizza, chicken, chip, beans, taco, apple, banana, peas, sip, bite.

People:  Mommy, Daddy, Bubba/Dalton, Shuggie (that's what she calls herself now), Nana, Pop, Pete, Mike, Nolan, Paypay, Coco, Korby, Jammi/Jaime, KP, Angie, Hannah, Ava, Beau, Bexley.

Girly/Baby Stuff: Baby, bow, brush, clippy, pretty, bath, blanky, paci, diaper, poop, book.

Body parts:  Eyes, nose, ears, mouth (as she points to each on herself or someone else), toes, hair. 

Animals & Sounds:  Doggy, cow(and moo), chicken(and bockbock), duck(and quack), kitty-cat, birdies, monkey(and oohoohaahaah).   

Other:  Cold, hot, Hi, cars, please, thank you, here you go, NO, yes, more, all done, Bible, sing, jump, walk, sit, chair, computer (sort of), work, outside, night night, good morning, 1, 2, 3, 4, Help, socks, shoes, Shaggy (from Scooby-Doo).

One thing she won't do most of the time is perform.  She seems to be showing signs of shyness, which we didn't really experience with Dalton at this stage.  She is very smiley :) and doesn't usually get too upset, probably because she's so good at communicating what she wants and therefore doesn't often get frustrated. 

She LOVES her big brother so much, but it's pretty clear that her Daddy is her favorite person in the world.

All in all, she is a COMPLETE and total delight, and gets cuter and smarter every day!!

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