Cardiology Update

Dalton had his routine cardiology appointment yesterday. No good news, no bad news...things are just the same. They did increase his medicine by 2.4 mls a day, which is quite a lot for him. He was taking 6.2mls three times a day, now it is up to 7.0mls three times a day. There is always an adjustment period for him when this happens. He gets pretty lethargic and has some tummy troubles, but hopefully will be back to "normal" in a couple days. The doctor said there is no hope of him outgrowing the condition at this point and he will definitely have surgery to correct it. She still prefers to wait until he is four due to the ratio of the size of his heart to the size of the catheter used for the procedure. Of course we will do whatever is in Dalton's best this means two and a half more years of medicine, doctors, holters and worry! But we'll all get through it...we know things could be much worse.

Thank you for your continued prayers for Dalton!

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