Back to the work that matters

So...Going back to work full-time didn't exactly turn out like I expected. Out of respect for the company and individuals who are still employed there, I won't go into details. Instead I will just say that it was NOT a healthy environment for me to be in and I had to make a decision that wasn't easy financially, but was the absolute best decision for me and my family. So I am back at home with the kids full time. This is my second week back on the job as a SAHM of 2 and so far, so good. As with any adjustment it has been a little challenging, but that is to be expected with changing circumstances. We're working on finding our groove and getting into a routine that works for all of us, and we'll get there. And I'm sure just as soon as we do, there will be another something that comes along that takes some getting used to. Seems that's just the way life these days. Never a dull moment! I am hoping that I can get back to blogging more regularly now that I have more time to do the things (like blogging) that I enjoy.

Dalton is scheduled for his heart surgery the first week in August, so the blog will certainly come in handy then to keep everyone informed on how that all goes. Nick and I are very comfortable with the cardiologist and have complete peace about the upcoming procedure.

Macy is doing so well and will have her 9 month check up in a couple of weeks...hard to believe! She is crawling all over the place and is pulling up and cruising along furniture! I am terrified that she will be walking soon. She already keeps us on our toes, not sure I'm ready for TWO walkers around here!

We are all LOVING our house AND the pool. Nick has been working hard on all the little projects we have set out to complete and we spend just about every weekend cooking out and enjoying the pool. The best part about living here again is that we get to see our dear friends and family so much. My brother and his family have been over at least once a month to enjoy the Saturday fiestas here. They along with a handful of close friends have become the "regulars" around here on the weekends. And we LOVE it...did I already mention that?

Dalton could stay in the water all day if we let him. He can swim the entire length of the pool! He swim, swim, swims, then lifts his head for a breath and swim, swim, swims some more until he makes it all the way. And he gets super mad if I get worried an help him out with a little nudge to get him to the other side faster. He insists on going all the way back and starting over to prove to me (and himself) that he can do it all by himself. I am completely amazed by (and incredibly proud of) that little man every day. Shuggie* is getting pretty comfortable in the water too, but she tires out pretty fast.

*Shuggie is Macy's nickname, in case you missed it from Nick's previous post.

Nana has been a very regular presence in our home, and Aunt Karen enjoys coming out to see the kids and relax by the pool, too. Dad & Deb make it over about once a month, and we have a full schedule this month of out-of-town guests coming to stay. It is so wonderful to have a home that people enjoy visiting. Of course, none of it would matter a bit without having the love of my life to share it all with. Nick and I are truly living our's amazing to me and I feel so blessed!

Now - on to playing catch-up on my posting. Pretty sure I have to go all the way back to February. Better get to work!

1 comment:

Nick said...

You are truly the love of my life. And I am so proud of you and our Family.