Dalton - Just turned 3! I can hardly believe what a grown kid he is now. He has completely given up blankey and pacifier - a HUGE feat, and I am so proud of how well he is handling it. Especially given all the major change he's been through since becoming a big brother. Next is potty training. I learned from some old pros that the way to do it with boys is to wait for summer. Put underwear on him and nothing else. They say it will take several accidents and 3 days to a week of undying patience, but then it's done...IF the kid is really ready physically, psychologically AND emotionally. So that's the plan. The goal is to have the potty training done before Dalton has his heart surgery.
He saw his new cardiologist here in Plano last week. Looks like his surgery will be scheduled for sometime mid-summer. More details on that as the date approaches. Dalton has really enjoyed spending his days at Aunt Jammi's house while Nick and I go off to work. Dalton and Korbin are absolutely crazy together and it is so much fun to watch. They are really more like brothers than cousins. I am so happy they have each other
Macy - Is almost 6 months old. She sits up on her own and is trying to figure the crawling thing out, but that's a little slow going. She is still sleeping a solid 12 hours at night! We are so blessed with her being such a great sleeper. She shows an enormous interest in "real" food and completely attacks the spoon even if it's just holding oatmeal. She gets so excited when she smells dinner cooking, even though she never gets any...poor thing. She is a big, strong, healthy girl. And (thanks to daily breathing treatments) her lungs are getting stronger and clearer every day. Macy loves giving kisses...she gives such sweet kisses, and she is so smiley all the time. She has a beautiful smile and a contagious little laugh already. Her personality is a lot like Dalton's, but she doesn't have near the temper he did at her age. Overall, she is just perfect and just a joyful addition to our family.
Nick - Bless his heart. He works his tail off. Between his job, helping around the house now that I am back at work, picking up kids, worrying about everybody and everything...I'm afraid we've given him quite a bit of gray lately. I feel so blessed and lucky that he is my husband. It is so honorable (and rare!) that he puts nothing in this world before his family.
Nick's mom, Sarah, fell and broke her leg this past Monday. It happened here in McKinney at Jammi's house. It turned out to be a pretty serious break that took 3 hours of surgery, a rod and screws to fix. Since the surgery, she has had one complication after the next from fever to apnea to pneumonia to a blood clot in her lung. She has had a rough week and will continue to remain in the hospital here until she is well enough to be moved to the hospital in Childress to continue inpatient care and therapy there. Your prayers are coveted for her speedy and full recovery.
Jenny - As for me: I am enjoying work, loving my house more and more with every little project that gets done, absolutely adoring my amazing husband and precious children, and not getting near enough rest. I'm afraid the blog has been the first thing to "go" since starting my new schedule.
For the first time in a very LONG time, I am too busy living life to stop down and write about it. Which reminds me - I totally intend on posting a whole bunch of pictures very soon. I have pics from my birthday party back in February, as well as Dalton's party last weekend, and of course a bunch of random shots taken of the little ones recently. Maybe I'll take some time over the weekend to get those posted...maybe.
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