Macy Marie - Saturday morning

The past 24 hours have been rough. A 4 week old little girl named Trinity came in the same day as Macy. I got to know her mom and hear her story over the last few days. Long story short: Trinity had a massive tumor on her brain that her parents were unaware of. They were supposed to do surgery to remove it yesterday morning, but when it came time to prepare her for the procedure, the doctors told Trinity's parents that the tumor was inoperable. The tumor was too big and she was just too tiny for the surgery to be successful. Her parents had to make the painful decision to remove her ventilator. Trinity passed away peacefully yesterday at noon.

I haven't left Macy's side since.

Macy had an okay night. We haven't gotten the results from her latest x-rays and blood work yet, but so far she seems no better, no worse than yesterday. Her secretions are still very abundant and thick. So she is still on the ventilator and completely sedated.

1 comment:

Karyn with a Y said...

I'm still thinking about you all and praying for you. We miss you.