Tips on Communicating Politely with a Pregnant Woman

It seems our society is completely socially inept when it comes to interacting with pregnant women. I know most people don't try to be offensive or rude, especially to pregnant women. But for some reason, people just don't seem to know what is and is not okay to do/discuss with expectant mothers. So I have decided to make a little list to help everyone out. Anyone out there who has something to add, please do so. I know I'm not the only one who has witnessed or fallen victim to these faux pas.

  • When you see a pregnant woman for the first time in a while and you notice that she has gotten a lot bigger since the last time you saw her, it is simply not okay to say, "Wow! You've gotten big!" She knows this...what are you? Her personal trainer? Don't comment at all, or lie and tell her she looks beautiful. Trust me, she may not say anything to your face, but these comments will really tick off a pregnant lady.
  • It is never okay to ask a pregnant lady if she is sure she's not having twins because her belly is just sooo big. I really feel like I shouldn't have to tell you is just rude!
  • If you ask a pregnant lady when her due date is and she tells you, don't say..."Are you sure? You look like you could have that baby any day!" Come on, people...seriously. I feel like I'm teaching a bunch of 2nd graders how to be polite.
  • Do Not Ever assume it's okay to touch a baby bump! Always ask, or wait for an invite. Otherwise, just keep your hands to yourself.
  • Don't ask how much weight she's gained. This is never okay to ask someone, pregnant or not.
  • It is none of your business if she plans to breastfeed. If she tells you her intentions, just leave it at that. Never give your two cents on the issue. This is something that is between a woman and her doctor. She has already heard the lecture from her doctor and all the books...just back off!
  • It's nice to ask how a pregnant lady is feeling. But don't ask unless you want to hear the truth. If she is in her 1st or late 3rd trimester, she's probably feeling downright lousy. Be ready for this to be her answer and show the proper sympathy...or else don't bother asking.

Now for a few tips on AFTER baby is born:

  • Don't ask a new mom how any of her private areas are feeling. This is a ridiculous question and it should make you feel incredibly awkward to ask.
  • Always, Always, ALWAYS wash your hands before holding a new baby...and of course, wait or ask for mom's permission first!
  • It's not funny to ask when/if she is planning to have the next one.
  • Don't comment on her weight...even if you're trying to be nice. She still feels big and flabby and disgusting and any mention of her appearance will just remind her of that.

I'm sure I've left off some things. But if anyone has anything to add, please do so!

1 comment:

The Hendersons said...

Amen sister! That's so funny...and true!