Recent & Random

I realized I haven't posted any pictures recently. I have to admit, that is mostly because I have not been taking pictures recently! I have been trying to steer very clear of cameras in recent weeks as I continue to get bigger and bigger! Another reason is that my camera has been packed in my bag for the hospital so I won't forget to take it with us when I go into labor! But I do have a few pictures that I thought I would share while we wait for pictures of the little princess. Enjoy!

Dalton and his cousin Traci - they share the same birthday...and possibly the same hair!

Dalton focusing really hard on riding Anniston's four-wheeler
"I'm doing it...yea for me!!"
Karyn, Angie and me...can you guess who'll go first?
It was Karyn (on the far left in above picture). These are her beautiful girls:
Anniston and her baby sister Molly Kate

Grandad Bill and Dalton
Dalton at NY always makes him smile!

Hopefully there will be many more pictures to post very soon that will include the newest addition to our family. These last few days are torture!! We want to meet her so badly! I am 10 days from my due date but ready for her to come any day...whenever she is ready.

1 comment:

Karyn with a Y said...

Those pictures are beautiful! Dalton looks so big on the 4-wheeler. I really think he needs one of his own. ;)

Thank you SO much for everything you have done for us. I don't know what I would have done without you. You really have no idea how much I am going to miss you when you leave. I do wish you, Nick, Dalton and Macy all the best. You guys have an exciting future ahead, but you will still be missed here.