Dalton is FOUR!!

Unbelievable how the time flies!  I can not believe my little nugget-head is a four year old kid.  He is such a big boy now...not a baby, not a toddler, and quickly outgrowing the "preschooler" title.  It's hard to believe that in less than a year from now I'll be registering him for kindergarten.  

Dalton had a wonderful birthday this year!  We got a Batman bounce house here at home and he had all his friends and cousins over to go nuts in it all day.  Unfortunately, Dalton is going through a bit of a phase (I hope it's just a phase) where he is obsessed with UFC and wrestling.  So he treats a bounce house like a cage or a ring and unleashes the fury on his playmates.  HE had a great time.  I can't speak for the other poor kids who probably just wanted to jump around and go crazy without getting choked out.  Oh well...

Dalton and my little cousin, Traci share a birthday.  So we started his birthday celebration with Traci and Aunt Karen @ Ghengis Grill
Korbin and Dalton @ OTB for his birthday dinner
Dalton and some of the fam
Nana and Macy sharing a piece of Bubby's birthday cake
Party Day!! 
(It was a super hero theme)
Macy with Grandad Pete
We had a little plumbing issue as the guests began to arrive, but sweet Nick had it all worked out before the party was in full swing.
Macy enjoying the contents of her goody bag
The Cake
After Dalton blew out the candles, he went straight to presents and back outside.  So I don't have pictures of him eating his cake. But Macy was happy to provide me with a photo op.

Happy Birthday, sweet Dalton.  I love you.

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