My friend Karyn (Anniston's mom) came over yesterday and we got to talking about the baby girls we're expecting in October...she's 2 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. Anyway, she showed me the baby bedding she picked out for her little one. I'm ashamed to say I haven't even
thought about the nursery yet. Probably because we're having to move out of our house just a month after she's born and have decided not to do a nursery until we get into our new place. But, as soon as I saw that sweet little girl stuff, I caught the fever and had to start looking for the perfect pink stuff for my little one. Yes - it will be pink and it will be precious. This is what Nick and I have agreed on:

Love it? I think it's perfect for her! So even though I don't have anywhere to put it yet, I am saving my pennies so I can have it waiting for her when she gets here. Now, I find myself gravitating towards all things pink. I bought a pink yoga mat for my prenatal fitness class, a black and pink gym bag, a pink cover for my iPod...I can't stop with the pink! I even had to make myself
change the blog background to pink...I won't do that to my boys. But it will be nice to have a little girl around to help me off-set the testosterone levels in the house!
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