Our Weekend with Family

We made a trip to Dallas this weekend to see all the Grandparents (and to pick up my Mom's laptop so we wouldn't have to suffer w/o a computer anymore...thanks a million Mom!) Dalton had so much fun. He made a new discovery and decided that he absolutely loves the trampoline at Aunt Jammi's house. First Dalton and Korbin (who call each other Dalto and Korgie) were running around jumping together, then Papa got on and made them bounce really high. Dalton thought it was the greatest thing in the world, but Korb wasn't so sure. I don't blame you Korbin...watching you two bobble heads on that trampoline made my neck hurt!! I'm pretty sure Dalton spent well over and hour on that trampoline on Saturday. Papa and Grandad Bill each took a turn (or two) jumping with him so he would bounce really high! We had a little cookout, watched the Chipmunks and just really enjoyed being with our family. KP and Jammi were sweet enough to let my parents come over and hang out for a bit too so Dalton could see all of his grandparents without having to jump from house to house...thanks again you guys...we love you!

I got some good pictures of the boys playing...here are a few:

Leaving this time was harder than usual. Most of the time, I am the only one crying. This time we all three did! Dalton did not go quietly. He screamed at me through his sobs "No Mommy, I wanna play with Korgie. Peeease Mommy I want Korgie and Jammi! Kennenny!!" It completely broke my heart. He's old enough now to miss his family and that makes me very sad. We still hope to have the opportunity to move back to Dallas in the future so that Dalto and Korgie can grow up together. But right now, it's just wishful thinking!

1 comment:

Jammi said...

LOVE THESE PICS!!! well..maybe not the one that caught korb in mid-cough. poor little asthmatic baby! ;) they are so cute together! this is the stuff ive been waiting for since we found out they were both boys! thanks for driving up guys! we had a blast!