Taking a shower in the mornings is usually a challenge for me because Dalton hates the shower. He stands there and screams at me until I'm done, so it's normally extremely fast and anything but peaceful. So I was pleasantly surprised when I had been in the shower for five minutes and he hadn't come screaming into the bathroom. I took my time, then started to worry just a little about what he could be doing that had him so distracted. I got out and peeked out the bathroom door into my bedroom. No Dalton, but his blankey carelessly slung on the floor indicated that he wasn't far away, and he was probably up to no good.
I have a box of Mary Kay products on the floor in my room because I don't really have a good place to keep them. There were various powders, lipsticks, cleansers, etc. and an order form. Dalton had found them. Fortunately he didn't get anything open and start to give himself a makeover. Instead, he was pretending to be a Mary Kay consultant. He had a crayon in his hand and was "reading" the order form (mostly just identifying letters he knew) and marking on it as he inspected the boxes of product. It was really cute. I remember as a kid playing teacher or hotel receptionist, so I had a flashback then thought "No, no, no! I think you're supposed to be playing Army or Cops and Robbers...Not cosmetic consultant!" No matter how hard I try not to reinforce gender stereotypes, it's just my natural human tendency and I can't help it!
No matter what my little boy wants to do when he grows up I know he'll be great at it. He even wanted to help Joey look better!
How cute! You gotta love a little boy who knows how to nurture his feminine side :)
We're already hooked on BB, too!
Grandma Deborah is sending you the application forms to sign Dalton up as consultant.
By the way, Happy Birthday, Jenny! I didn't forget this year!
Love, Dad
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