Report from Dalton's Cardiologist

Dalton had his regular check-up at the cardiologist today. Before I get into what she said, I have to say that Dalton did so well with all of his tests this time. He was patient, cooperative and smiling the whole time. He charmed all the ladies in the office and they even gave him a Beanie Baby for brightening their morning...that's my little ladies man!

Anyway, Dr. Kertez is Dalton's cardiologist. She said that his last two 24 hour Holter monitors (from April and May) both showed continued episodes of SVT. She said they are very brief (less than a second long), but they are definitely occurring and probably on a daily basis. What this means is that he will stay on the Sotalol, now up to 6.2 mls three times a day, until the doctors feel confident in Dalton's ability to successfully handle the surgery that will "fix" his condition. She previously told me this could happen as early as two-years-old, but now is saying probably not until he is four. New research shows that the risks involved in the surgery are drastically reduced in children who are at least four years old. So we will continue to wait, give him his medicine and pray that the episodes do not increase in length or intensity in the meantime. Thank you all for your love and concern for Dalton...your prayers are appreciated more than you can ever know!

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