What's new?

So I have found zero time to blog lately, as I have found all of my spare time eaten up by Facebook. In the last couple of weeks we've had a lot happen around here...

...Angie, Travis and the girls came for a visit!
...I have been interviewing for a job and it looks like I will be back to work before the end of the month!
...Macy & Dalton have both caught a nasty little cold and are both well on the road to recovery.
...because the kids have been sick, we don't leave the house much so we're all getting cabin fever pretty bad!
...we filed our taxes and are actually not hating the IRS this year.
...breathing treatments, breathing treatments, and more breathing treatments.
...I really really need to take more pictures.
...Buffett concert dates announced for 2009! Yea...can't wait!!

So a lot is happening, now and in the near future. Wish I could find more time to blog, but my kids have sure been appreciating the attention they get when I'm not blogging :)

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