Happy Anniversary...again

Last night Nick and I made sure both kiddos were "covered" and we snuck away for a couple of hours to celebrate our three year wedding anniversary. We went to Maggiano's at Northpark, just like we did last year. And without even planning it, we sat in the same little romantic booth we sat in the year before. So we decided it is now officially our Anniversary tradition. Last year we followed dinner with a little Back Door Comedy and then stayed in an amazing room at the Double Tree. This year we hurried back to the hospital and slept in chairs next to each other. But we enjoyed being together just the same, and we were thankful to be here together with our baby girl.

Our waiter surprised us with an Anniversary dessert. One of the crazy long candles fell over and almost caught the table on fire. But it sure looked pretty! And tasted fabulous!!

I love you, Nick. Thank you for helping me get through the toughest of times, for making the good times unbelievably great and loving me no matter what kind of mood I'm in. I know it takes a really REALLY special person to put up with me all the time and you make it look effortless! Thank you for being you and making me a better me.

1 comment:

Karyn with a Y said...

Happy Anniversary! I miss you guys.