The Game Plan

So here it is already - our last week in Houston. Today I am keeping my friend Angie's little girl while Angie is in the hospital having her baby...YEA (more on that later).

I have so much to do around here to get ready for the move. I am excited and on the verge of tears at the same time. It's a weird feeling. I spent the morning calling all of our service providers to have things disconnected here. Electricity, gas, phone, water, etc. as of one week from today will no longer be on in this least not at our expense!

I need to get my kids packed up. We're heading up to Dallas on Wednesday night for Thanksgiving. After dinner, we'll leave the kiddos with Nana and return to Houston to pack up the Uhaul. Jammi and KP are sweet enough to come help us so we've planned one last night out in The Woodlands on Friday night. Then, the plan is to leave for the last time on Saturday morning and be all moved in by Sunday evening. It is going to be a whirlwind of a week and I hope it will be so busy that I won't have time to be sad. Once we get to our new home and start unpacking I know I will be so's the transitioning that is the hard part.

I'm about to go to the hospital to see Angie and meet her new baby girl. We've been waiting for her for so long it seems! I am so happy for my sweet friend and am so sad at the same time that our girls won't be growing up together. Guess you just have to take the bad with the good, and be thankful for the time you had, and move on. Easier said than done!

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