Baby Update

Just got back from Dr. J. The official report is: Baby weighed 6 lbs. 2 ozs. as of last Wednesday's ultrasound. I am dilated 1 cm and am 60% effaced, so I am finally making progress! Still could be a couple more weeks, or could progress quickly so we're ready for anything. Very excited about Baby Macy's upcoming arrival, but trying to be patient and wait for her to come when she is good and ready.

1 comment:

The Hendersons said...

Ahhhhhh! SO EXCITING! Wow, it took me like 10 hours to get that far with Jordyn. LOL Praying your delivery will be one of those fast, amazing, painless(due to epidural), one push miracles that I hear about! :) Can't wait to meet little Macy!