Saturday morning we woke up, had an awesome breakfast, then met up with their neighbors Keith and Kim for a day of boating and sunning at a nearby beach. As soon as we got the boat out of their canal (which is what they had instead of an alley behind the house), we saw a huge school of dolphins!! It was absolutely amazing to see. Unfortunately my camera was safely tucked away keeping dry and by the time I found it, the dolphins were gone. But believe me, it was truly a great sight...and so fun to experience with Dalton, too! At one point, I was holding Dalton in my lap on the boat, watching his face as he experienced the boat ride and the ocean. I made it a point to soak up that moment...the sights, sounds and smells of it. It was one of those moments that you just know is special, and I want to remember it forever.
Dalton couldn't wait to get on the water!
Dalton, being the water baby he is, of course loved the ocean and had no fear of the ripping waves that could have carried him out to sea in a blink of an eye. I was pretty nervous watching him play in the water, but Nick did a great job of making sure he had fun and stayed safe. We returned to Jeff and Amy's for a crawfish/crab/shrimp boil with Keith and Kim and had a wonderful evening visiting with our old (and new) friends. Nick isn't much of a seafood eater, so he and Dalton had cheeseburgers instead. Crazily enough, there was a termite swarm that swooped through around 9pm and that pretty much put an end to the party for the evening.
Sunday was more of the same. We took the boat out in the bay and saw some beautiful scenery. Eventually we found an isolated spot on the beach, so we threw out the anchor and hung out at the beach for a while. We got to see the base where Nick was stationed in the Marines, and hear a few stories from those good 'ol days...that was fun for all of us!
Jeff and Amy
Dinner was with Amy & Jeff's friends Tom and Susan, who cooked an incredible lasagna! Once again, a cheeseburger was made for Nick who boycotted (albeit politely) the lasagna. Dalton had fun riding the elevator in Tom and Susan's new house, then we headed back to Amy and Jeff's for bed.
I couldn't believe the weekend was already over. It went by so fast and every moment was absolutely perfect. It was the first real vacation we've had in a very very long time. We all came home very relaxed, a bit sunburned and looking forward to going back next year! Amy and I decided that a weekend that much fun should definitely be an annual tradition, so plans are already in the making for next Memorial Day weekend.
Thank you Jeff and Amy, for everything...we love you and can't wait for next year!!
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