Update on Dalton

Well, it's been three months already since Dalton's last visit to the cardiologist, and we will be going for an appointment next week. He is now 15 months old and since he has not successfully begun to "out-grow" his condition, the doctors believe surgery is inevitable and imminent. Please pray for a good report next week. Now that Dalton is older and more mobile, he does not have much patience at the hospital and gets very upset when they perform the EKG (which I'm sure doesn't help to keep his heart rate regular!). It is always a draining day when we go...for both Dalton and Mommy, but we will get through it - like we always do - and I will post the doctor's report next week when we know something.

On a lighter note...I know most of our friends and family don't get to see Dalton very often, so I thought I'd share some of the things he is doing and saying now. I'm telling you, the kid learns something new everyday. He is so amazing to watch...I love trying to figure out what he's thinking when he gets so lost in his own little world of exploration! Some of Dalton's favorite things to do are: Dance, dance, dance...the boy has moves! Play in empty diaper boxes and best of all...READ! He will sit in our laps for as long as we're willing to sit there and we will read together. It is so beautiful! He has a book of Bible stories that is his favorite, but also likes The Pokey Little Puppy and his Dora book. The longer they are, the more he likes them!

His vocabulary has expanded from the basics - Mama, Dada, Baba, Bye-Bye and Da-den...for Dalton - to much more complex words and phrases like: what's that?, who's that?, baseball, basketball(he tries anyway), puppy dog, kitty cat, balloon, bath, na (for banana), and pee-paw. We're not exactly sure what pee-paw is for, but he says it A LOT! He also does a bunch of animal sounds, he has mastered: ruff-ruff, meow, ooh ooh ah ah...but we're working on more.

He has pictures of his Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins all over the place and is really working on names. This is a picture with Dalton and my Dad (Grandad Bill) on Father's Day.

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